Pordenone _ 07-04-2018
inbitcoin is pleased to announce that on Saturday, April 7th 2018 the second Comproeuro of Europe will open in Pordenone.
In the physical store of Corso Vittorio Emanuele 23, in the city center of Pordenone it will be possible to buy bitcoin and acquire training on digital value technology. The store will open its doors as early as the morning and then continue at 18 with the cutting of the ribbon, greetings to the authorities and the speech of the CEO Matteo Loperfido who will present this new service aimed at citizens, merchants and anyone curious to investigate.
The Friulian capital is the first extra-Trentino city to replicate the experience of the Bitcoin Valley in Rovereto, where a community of inhabitants, shopkeepers and tourists has already consolidated into the use of bitcoin as a payment method and investment in the future.
Accessing the Bitcoin ecosystem is simple: a smartphone, curiosity and a few steps to the nearest Comproeuro store.